Modena Art Civic Museum

The 19th century Civic Museum initially had the double function of preserving the local cultural traditions and enhancing the development of the local industry. It was soon increased by important bequests coming from different personalities of the city. From the beginning of the 20th century, the Civic Museum took the form of a succession of rooms dedicated to different types of objects. It hosts an important section of music instruments, which mostly come from the bequest of Count Luigi Valdrighi. The bequest of this passionate musicologist allowed enlarging the wind instrument unit composed by the donations of Saetti and Borsari. Acquired in 1892, the Valdrighi bequest consists of some typical European string, wind and keyboard instruments. Mostly dating back to the 18th and 19th century. In the same room, according to the original arrangement principles, there are also some paintings and sculptures representing events and characters related to the music world. In particular, we can notice the epitaph of the court master Gasparo Trombetti realized according to the project of Francesco Cossa in 1469.